What Does the Sympathetic Nervous System Have to Do With Excessive Sweating?
Sweating is a natural occurrence that everyone is experiencing. It is very normal for our bodies to sweat but it can also sometimes happen very excessively, and that is not normal. A situation like that can have a huge impact on anybody's life. This is a circumstance that if experienced would certainly have you look for a treatment. The treatment to excessive sweating may not necessarily need some medications or a doctor's help since there can be natural remedies and treatments for excessive sweating that, you may not be aware, are just in your kitchen cupboards or at the local convenience stores.
How to stop armpit sweating? Excessive sweating is a common term for hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is a condition that could highly embarrass a person and could also have a huge impact on his or her life. However, no matter how embarrassing excessive sweating can be, we still wouldn't want sweating to go away altogether forever.
Read more about this in the site at http://www.ehow.com/about_4672146_neurologist.html. This is because sweating is the natural process of our body for it to cool down to the normal body temperature. You can be able to find a lot of natural remedies and treatments to solve your excessive sweating problems. In fact, quite many of the natural treatments and remedies are even better that surgeries and deodorants because they don't have any side effects. The first thing that you need to do if you want to treat your excessive sweating is that you determine the cause of your condition. Other than anxiety and stress induced excessive sweating, another common factor that can cause it is something that has to do with the sympathetic nervous system.
The sympathetic nervous system is in charge of our body's reaction to different situations. This can also be attributed to the response of whether fight or flight. The sympathetic nervous system is along the sympathetic chain that can be found on either sides of your spine. It is the sympathetic nervous system that controls the organs, blood vessels and the skin. Just like the immune system that gets activated if there is a situation that you can't tolerate something, the sympathetic nervous system also works if there is a stress that it can detect, then that is the time that you sweat. This is normal for every person that is sweating. However, for those who have hyperhidrosis, their sympathetic nervous system responds excessively, thus a person can have excessive sweating even without doing a thing. Go here to discover more treatments for excessive sweating and migraines.
February 17th, 2015